Sunday, July 25, 2010

Numbers v. Fruit

I am daily tempted to judge my and others’ ministries by an unbiblical notion of spiritual fruit. I feel a ministry is more fruitful if large numbers attend a retreat, check out its blog, buy their book, or attend their services. But the truth from Scripture is that numbers are distinctly different from spiritual fruit. I’m not going to say it’s wrong to be excited over numbers – it’s just wrong to call it FRUIT. Biblical fruit is significantly different.

I get sucked into an earthly mentality of success as easily as anyone. The thing that corrects my thinking time and time again is Jesus’ example. By our fallen notion of fruit and numbers, His ministry was sadly ineffective. He seems content at times to alienate the crowd instead of courting them. He even advocates in Matthew 18 leaving the 99 to pursue the 1! He mainly invests in 12, but most of all in just 3. And when He’s hanging on the cross in His darkest hour, only 1 of the twelve sticks it out with Him. Yet Jesus defines a truly fruitful ministry for us by His example. Paul further clarifies it for us in Galatians 5. Fruitfulness is not numbers; it’s love. It’s not facebook fans; it’s peace. It’s not blog hits; it’s joy. It’s not Sunday attendance or offering totals; it’s patience. The Bible sets the idea of spiritual fruit on a totally different axis than our natural one.

Ministries that get this backwards are like top-heavy trees with minimal root systems. They pursue growth in numbers at the expense of the minority that should become the mature leaders rooted deeply and supporting others.  That kind of tree looks good on the outside but blows over in the storm every time. Such churches/ministries/individuals become willing to sacrifice the 1 for what they perceive will benefit the 99. If one person becomes too much work, they justify cutting them off. They are just dead weight, right? They are holding up progress. But the truth is once you are willing to sacrifice the call to bear long in love with one, you’ll do it with many other ones. And the ones add up. Effective ministry like Christ is successive ministries to ONES. Ministries that cut off the one for the sake of the 99 often miss the fact that over time, the ONES that they cut off start to add up – to something like 99. In the pursuit of ministry to others, they missed the one right in front of them to whom they were first called to minister.   A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, or something like that. 

As a very personal application, a correct view of Biblical fruit frees me to value what goes on day in and day out with my three in my home over the affirmation I get from this blog and my books. I at times feel seduced toward a focus on my outside ministries at the expense of my ministry at home. I get a LOT more affirmation and words of encouragement through the blog than I do from my 3 and 5 year old. Ministry to the ONES in my life is hard and requires forbearing, long-term patience and love. I’m in it for the long haul, and when I’m invested, I have hope of seeing real fruit – the way God defines it – in myself and/or my family.

I must value deep investing in one over minimal investment in 100. I MUST! That’s not to say the other isn’t valuable, but numbers are NOT the fruit of the Spirit. They are not the evidence of God’s work, and you have to deny Scripture to make them so. I often must figuratively leave the 99 to pursue the 1 as God did for me—in faith that God’s vision of fruit is more effective long term than mine.
For a great series on what spiritual fruit really is and how it is accomplished, I recommend the sermon series, New Lives: Fruit of the Spirit.



Mid-Missouri Family said...

Being of a small church we often here, "we just aren't growing". BUT! Look at the lives that are being changed. Look at the few that are coming faithfully and living the life Christ would have them live. LOOK AT THE FRUIT! Thank you for this post. It spoke to my heart!

strengthfortoday said...

Amen Wendy...and Monica! We have a small church as well, and while there are not droves of people packing the pews, the depth of the work being done in hearts is remarkable. There are churches who had thousands in attendance this morning...but how many people in those large groups left changed because of what they heard, and how many departed having experienced some good entertainment that helped to pass an hour or so in the name of "religion"? KWIM?

silly test blog said...

And I should clarify that I don't think numbers are BAD, but just that they aren't FRUIT and shouldn't distract us from "fruit that remains." If you grow both in physical numbers and authentic individual fruit, that's awesome. Rare, but awesome.

I was a part of a small church in SC that still 8 years after we moved to Seattle is about the same size. But they have definitely grown fruit. People have matured, the community has been affected, and many people have been SENT OUT to the next place with a need. Now there's an undervalued "number" -- the number of people and resources you have grown and sent. :-)

michellemabell said...

I just love this post! I so needed this reminder. I am often thinking in the big I bearing enough or any fruit? What really hit me was when you said...'fruitfulness is not numbers, it's love'.


Child of the Most High God, Charmayne said...

I really appreciate this breakdown of "fruit" and ministry. It is true that large numbers do not define fruit or a prosperous/effective ministry. I have concluded that who one comes in contact with on a daily basis that needs to hear the "Love of Christ" is a powerful ministry alone. Often times, God will bring people or allow situations to take place for a believer to share about His Love. It is important that believers consider that a strong ministry and KINGDOM BUILDING!
God bless your postings...:-)

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